
Displayer commits to strong, secure and transparent privacy practices, because your privacy is important to us.

We are doing our very best to protect your privacy and avoid any misuse or abuse of your personal data. And because we value your privacy and strives for our services to be safe and enjoyable for everyone

  • We never sell personal data to anyone;
  • We may store information you provide to Us, including contact info submitted through contact forms or emailed directly to Us.
  • We use contact info that you submit to Us for contacting you or your company about services that We provide. We also track anonymous analytics data about our website traffic.
  • You are in control of your personal information at all times.

Our Privacy Policy should always be read in conjunction with the specific privacy policy of our Customers which will contain further details regarding the processing of your Personal Data by the Customer, and the privacy policy of the Supported Platform(s).

Deletion of Data

You may contact Displayer at any time at contact@displayerdigital.com if you would like Displayer to delete any of your personally identifiable data (other than Anonymous Information).


If you have questions or complaints regarding our privacy policy or practices, please contact us at contact@displayerdigital.com