
Why Should You Join Us

Our actions aim to improve your knowledge curve so that you can gain a significant volume of life-changing knowledge as you work with Displayer.We recognize abilities while respecting individual priorities to create an ethos bringing out the best in you.

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Perks To Work With Displayer


Current Opening

Experience : 3 Years Above
Skills : .Net Core, SQL Server, WEB API (REST/SOAP), ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, Experience in Web & Windows Development
Send your CV with post applied for at : contact@displayerdigital.com

Experience : 3 Years Above
Skills : React Native APIs, ReactJS, Javascript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3. Experience in iOS or Android
Send your CV with post applied for at : contact@displayerdigital.com

Experience : 2 Years Above
Skills : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, .Net, Javascript Frameworks. Experience in Enterprise Level Website & Ecommerce.
Send your CV with post applied for at : contact@displayerdigital.com

Experience : 3 Years Above
Skills : Email Marketing, Outbound Telesales, Web Research, Creation & Closing of Calls, Very Active and Creative.
Send your CV with post applied for at : contact@displayerdigital.com

Experience : 3 Years Above
Skills : Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe After Effects / Premier Pro , 3D Designing , Animation.
Send your CV with post applied for at : contact@displayerdigital.com